Stabbed | Prompt #13

Stabbed | Prompt #13

PROMPT : STABBED  It was easier than I thought it would be. I stabbed him with the cursed knife, then yanked it out, throwing in a handful of purifying salt directly on the already blackening wound. The shaman hadn’t told me anything about how this would look, change...
Stabbed | Prompt #13

Equator | Prompt #12

PROMPT : EQUATOR “She was last seen near the Equator, around the Southern hemisphere,” her handler, Rica Goldsworthy pointed to a place on the holographic map. “There’s no guarantee that you’ll find any trace of her, but it’s something to keep in mind.” “How did she...
Stabbed | Prompt #13

Sum | Prompt #11

PROMPT : SUM  Adelaide stumbled through the rubble, eyes swimming with tears. She pawed at the giant pile of rocks where her friends had last been standing. “No, no, no! You can’t do this to me,” she sobbed. “You’re all I have left.” The sounds of marching feet...
Stabbed | Prompt #13

Beginning | Prompt #10

PROMPT : BEGINNING “How does it go, Aunty Ti?” The children clamored around her, gathered by the fireplace, wrapped in their respective blankets with matching cups of hot cocoa. Aunty Ti smiled warmly at them, her pale silver eyes standing out against her rich, dark...
Stabbed | Prompt #13

Rural | Prompt #9

PROMPT : RURAL Doctor Caliper’s mouth set in a grim line. She rose from the faded rose-settee and tucked the pulse-reader back inside of her healer’s gown. “How is she doc?” Father Terris asked. “You should have called me sooner,” Doctor Caliper said, brusquely. “What...