Done | Prompt #19

Done | Prompt #19

PROMPT : DONE “That’s it,” Sheridan threw the spoon down on her tray and popped up from the lunchroom table. Her glare had been fixed off in the distance, but now she returned to herself with renewed fury. “I’ve had it. I’m done.” Ripping off the school jersey, she...
Done | Prompt #19

Exact | Prompt #18

PROMPT : EXACT “Healing is an exact science,” Master Healer Kevin said. He wrote the sentence across the top of the sketch board. “Write that down. Memorize it. Recite it. Do not ever forget it.” The students began to shuffle and fidget as they pulled out tablets and...
Done | Prompt #19

Moon | Prompt #17

PROMPT : MOON Luna turned the locks on her bedroom door, having already stuck her head out to smile at the guards keeping watch at their posts. She had put a finger to her lips and smiled. “Remember, do not open the door—no matter what,” she admonished. The awestruck...
Done | Prompt #19

Worthwhile | Prompt #15

PROMPT : WORTHWHILE “Clara?” Leann stuck her head through her older sister’s bedroom door. She could see some movement from behind the mound of unmade bedsheets and blankets. “D’you wanna come with us to the woods?” There was an indecipherable grunt from somewhere...
Done | Prompt #19

Incense | Prompt #14

PROMPT : INCENSE Parvati swept her hair up over one shoulder, surveying the result in the clouded mirror at the back of the market stall. She’d left it free and flowing that morning as they rushed around, readying for market day. It had been damp and curling, turning...