Moon | Prompt #17

Moon | Prompt #17

PROMPT : MOON Luna turned the locks on her bedroom door, having already stuck her head out to smile at the guards keeping watch at their posts. She had put a finger to her lips and smiled. “Remember, do not open the door—no matter what,” she admonished. The awestruck...
Moon | Prompt #17

Instantly | Prompt #16

PROMPT : INSTANTLY Lee ducked behind the fence and made his way over to the little ramshackle hut at the end of the alley. “Cora?” His girlfriend stuck her head out, looking supremely annoyed. “I told you it’d be an hour, Lee. What are you doing here?” “I can’t wait...
Moon | Prompt #17

Worthwhile | Prompt #15

PROMPT : WORTHWHILE “Clara?” Leann stuck her head through her older sister’s bedroom door. She could see some movement from behind the mound of unmade bedsheets and blankets. “D’you wanna come with us to the woods?” There was an indecipherable grunt from somewhere...
Moon | Prompt #17

Stabbed | Prompt #13

PROMPT : STABBED  It was easier than I thought it would be. I stabbed him with the cursed knife, then yanked it out, throwing in a handful of purifying salt directly on the already blackening wound. The shaman hadn’t told me anything about how this would look, change...
Moon | Prompt #17

Sum | Prompt #11

PROMPT : SUM  Adelaide stumbled through the rubble, eyes swimming with tears. She pawed at the giant pile of rocks where her friends had last been standing. “No, no, no! You can’t do this to me,” she sobbed. “You’re all I have left.” The sounds of marching feet...