Prompt Fiction


Lee ducked behind the fence and made his way over to the little ramshackle hut at the end of the alley. “Cora?”

His girlfriend stuck her head out, looking supremely annoyed. “I told you it’d be an hour, Lee. What are you doing here?”

“I can’t wait an hour—we need that evidence!”

“You need to stay alive,” Cora grumbled. “Get in and shut the door, you idiot.”

Lee ducked inside and made sure to turn the locks behind him. He’d been careful. Of course no one had followed him here. He’d even left lookouts to make sure everything would happen smoothly.

Cora was supposed to have the ability to instantly transfer the tangible memory into a hardcopy form. This was a vital skill for crucial pieces of evidence for their trial.

He had to save his brother—just had to.

Cora glowered at him for a minute, before returning to her desk and the complicated chemistry set taking up the entire flat surface. “Don’t so much as breathe,” she snapped. “Or I swear—you’ll be the next memory I erase.”

Lee nodded, half-automatic before the words registered. “Erase-?” was the last question he ever asked.

(c) S. Harricharan