Sunflower Upright

Sunflower Upright

Er, yes, I was just kind of musing about the giant sunflower in our backyard and on a prompt from my Dad, ended up scribbling a short bit of “maybe-poetry”. Enjoy–it’s titled “Sunflower Upright”Sunflower, uprightStanding tallIn the...
The Ten Lives of I (Friday Fiction)

The Ten Lives of I (Friday Fiction)

This week’s Friday Fiction is hosted by Sharlyn Guthrie @ her blog, Dancing on Rainbows. Click here to read and share more great fiction! Author’s Ramblings: Well, I’m as scatter-brained as usual. I completely forgot to prepare anything at all for...
First Time (BBT)

First Time (BBT)

What is the first book you remember reading? What about the first that made you really love reading? Well, I actually feel a little “old-fashioned” when I think as far back as I have to, in order to recall my first book. It has nothing to do with the...
First Time (BBT)

Beach Buddies! (BBT)

Which fictional character (or group of characters) would you like to spend a day at the beach with? Why would he/she/they make good beach buddies? For Fiction, I’d say The Boxcar Children ^_^ Interesting things always happen to them–mysteries and...
Summer Bloggy Updates!

Summer Bloggy Updates!

And yes, it’s more bloggy updates…just because I’ve been MIA for a bit! I know, I know, my consistency theme doesn’t seem to be doing much over here, but it’s been hard at work on my fiction blog! The monday meme seems to have died and...