Hi everyone, I know it’s a holiday weekend, but I am hosting Friday Fiction and while the linky widget is up late, I hope the story hits the spot. To join in the fun, just add your name and story to the linky list below. don’t forget to read and comment! 

Author’s Ramblings: This was a snippet of flash fiction I saved for this weekend. Enjoy! (Best read listening to Francesca Battistelli’s “Lead me to the cross”. Have a great weekend!

“Lead me to the cross, where your love pours out…” The song
continued to fill the air as Callie sang softly to herself, gathering up
the basket of flowers from the pile of horse blankets nestled beside
her. She slid out from the pick-up truck and tucked the basket in the
crook of her arm as she closed the door and squared her shoulders.

She could hear the rumble in the gravel road as others arrived and
voices filled the air of the now-fading fog. She could see a few others
with flower-laden baskets on their arms as they all approached the cemetery, a singular thought in mind.

The cool grass bent beneath her cowboy boots, damp with dew and soft accents to the pristine rows and markers for the task that lay ahead. 

She was first, the one leading, as they began the solemn walk among
the white gravestone markers.

With tear-filled eyes, but a light heart,
she plucked the first flower from her basket and laid it before the
first header stone.

“Thank you.” She whispered.

(c) Sara Harricharan