Well, I’m sticking my head through the door to ramble-er-post, just because. NaNo is coming along okay. I’m a bit behind. (yes, yes, I know you will disagree the moment you see my wordcount at the bottom, but trust me, okay? I wouldn’t lie to ya…) and I haven’t reached a spot I want to excerpt yet, so I might just post it here when I do. Y’all will be the lucky ones to read it first.

The story is coming along just fine, it’s taking some pretty interesting twists and turns and I’m contemplating killing off a secondary villain, or sparing him for a final showdown. We’ll see how that goes. As for my mountain of work, eh, it still exists, I’m just not freaking out over it.

Freakouts are bad. Are you listening? Good for you. ^_^ To fellow wrimos, I cheer you on, keep writing. The horrible week 2 is over and week 3 is just plain AWEsome! I hope you are having a blast writing your way through this experience and enjoying every moment of it. I know I am. ^_^ Happy nanoing!

And I’m off  to my little square of reality. Thank you for reading this randomly-written post.

Word count is : 58,349. 
