Don’t you just love that title? Now you know that I’m not going to ramble in this post, at least, not when I have official stuffits to jabber about instead.

Onto the official business!

If you’ve been following my writing adventures for awhile, you probably already have put together that for all my perfectionist sides, I tend to be very absent-minded and busy in the random department. In an attempt to keep some of this in a more structured (and hopefully less confusing!) format, I’ve launched a new blog, for just updates. There won’t be regular posts, but official things will show up there.

You will find a weekly update on what I’ve written/where, how my various challenges are coming along (there will be some info on the challenges in the nav bar section of the blog, feel free to browse through them). I’ve decided to start reviewing the books I read, simply because I read quite a bit and I share my opinion anyway, so I might as well go ahead and blog about it.

Please take a moment to visit and follow, if you feel so inclined. New posts will be appear as new things happen.

The Random Life of Sara H.

That is my first set of official business, the second set is the arrival and lovely-ness of my NaNoWriMo ML web badge. I’m quite proud of it, so I’m shamelessly showing it off on every forum I can remember. lolz. I’ve got some planning done today and some other nanotidbits put together.

All in all, a productive day. ^_^