Interview (Flash Fiction)

FLASH FICTION PROMPT “An interview?” That was all the warning anyone had before everything came pouring down on our heads. Everything and nothing and that alone, ate everything in sight.  It wasn’t a safe word. It wasn’t a dark word. But it was a word of power...
Cutlery (snippet)

Cutlery (snippet)

PROMPT SNIPPET He fumbled with the cutlery, then looked up with wide, panicked eyes, to see if anyone had noticed his blunder. We all pretended not to notice, going so far as to talk about how loud the air-conditioner rattled from its place in the apartment window. It...
Coarse (Flash Fiction)

Coarse (Flash Fiction)

found on google images FLASH FICTION SNIPPET  “Ugh, it burns,” Miriam made a face as she slopped another handful of the herbal salt scrub on her green-tinted skin. “Be glad it’s only burning,” Adal snapped. “What were you...
Bellhop (Flash Fiction)

Bellhop (Flash Fiction)

found on google images FLASH FICTION PROMPT “Here, just give it to the bellboy,” Thom fished in his pocket and drew out a scrap of folded paper. “Hurry now, would you?” His niece looked at him, then at his hand and rolled her eyes as she took the proffered tip. “He’s...