Summer Bloggy Updates!

Summer Bloggy Updates!

And yes, it’s more bloggy updates…just because I’ve been MIA for a bit! I know, I know, my consistency theme doesn’t seem to be doing much over here, but it’s been hard at work on my fiction blog! The monday meme seems to have died and...
Bloggy Updates!

Bloggy Updates!

Hi everyone!Just a quick note to let y’all know that I haven’t disappeared from the bloggy world. Granted, just my Friday Fiction posts have been appearing for awhile, with the occasional meme popping up, but I’m still here! On the bright side, my...
Updates…The Rambling Kind

Updates…The Rambling Kind

I started off the year with such grand projects and propositions and of course, the best of intentions. I feel it is only fair to mention that I am keeping up with them even if my blogging consistency has been otherwise. I will confess the memes have helped in my...
Puttering About

Puttering About

Well, I missed Manic Monday on account of no internet, so I’m just kind of “puttering about” today, it’s been the usual mix of everything. So I’ll just ramble for a few minutes, so my head has a little more space inside for tomorrow.The...
Consistency (An Introduction to 2010)

Consistency (An Introduction to 2010)

Consistency.If I could hide from a word, I would probably be peeking over the very tip-top of my keyboard right now.Why?Well, um…you know. It’s kind of scary…the definition says something about routine and I tend to have a random streak which is very…inconsistent? I...