1000 Stories (update)

1000 Stories (update)

The current running total is 82 short stories, counting the new summer serial, Disperse, as a single piece. It’s been fun and enjoyable to see the number steadily growing towards the first hundred.Recent pieces include Faithwriter Challenge pieces, such as:...
B is for Butter!

B is for Butter!

B is for Butter–I wonder, did you see that one coming? I hope not, or else I’m losing my claimed fame to occasional bouts of randomness. This is for the second letter in the wonderful bloggy meme of a2z4u&me, click here to read more about it! If...
Random Ryhmes

Random Ryhmes

I’ve had a rhyme stuck in my head, a prequel for some adventure story, I bet. Just don’t have the time to puzzle it out amidst the rest of everything else, but I figured I’d share it anyway, as I haven’t been able to decide on a blog post for...
A Donut Day

A Donut Day

I love donut days, don’t you?Not just because of the donut, but well, yes, because of the donut and that other thing. That other thought that kind of hit me over the head today. It was nice sort of word collection and I thought I might try and fashion it into a...
Hide n'  NO seek

Hide n' NO seek

If you could see my face right now, I’m hoping the expression it bears is something between frustration and annoyance. Frustration, because my fingers aren’t typing as fast as I want them to so I can successfully complete all the things I have to do...