NaNoWriMo : Day 2

NaNoWriMo : Day 2

Hello fellow wrimos and readers!It is day two of NaNo and I have a nifty new word count and a pretty ticked off FMC to deal with. (Don’t worry, I think I’ve got it mostly under control. We’ll see how that goes tomorrow afternoon!). I have not been...
NaNoWriMo : Day 1

NaNoWriMo : Day 1

Hi everyone!Yes, I’ve been on and off for about a week. My apologies for the lack of posts, you may blame it all on my ridiculous school schedule and my ML duties. I’ve been swamped and when I wasn’t buried beneath my own homework, I’ve been...
Plotlining and other nano things

Plotlining and other nano things

I would say outlining, but I’m kind of more “in-lining” than out and of course it has to do with a plot, so it doesn’t really make sense to write it out either way.Oops.I maybe confusing you into the same state as my scattered brain today....
Officially Launched!

Officially Launched!

The official blog of Sara Harricharan has been launched.A welcome post has appeared on the Scarlet Blog and a redirect through the Fiction Fusion blog.Updates for this week include, a new short fiction piece:Marlsten’s Delivery for Friday Fiction. A piece of...
News and Updates

News and Updates

Just a quick blurb, there’s interesting “stuffits” happening over at my Scarlet Blog, click below to read and see! Share this:ShareEmailTwitterPrintFacebookTumblrLike this:Like...