Manic Monday 1.11.10

Manic Monday 1.11.10

Here’s my first shot at MM, the three questions are below…What is one thing you wish you could change about yourself?The way I manage my time. I love to have everything working perfectly together, with no chance for error and no issues or other spaces for...
Consistency (An Introduction to 2010)

Consistency (An Introduction to 2010)

Consistency.If I could hide from a word, I would probably be peeking over the very tip-top of my keyboard right now.Why?Well, um…you know. It’s kind of scary…the definition says something about routine and I tend to have a random streak which is very…inconsistent? I...
Ramblings and Musings From The Faithwriter's Conference

Dreaming of a musical moment

Ever had a musical moment? You know, when time freezes for just long enough for the tune to stick in your head, for you to memorize that voice, to disect every lyric and then for your heart to decide that you’ve connected with something special? I had one of...
Ramblings and Musings From The Faithwriter's Conference

Blue Fingernails

Ever had one of those really, really bad days? You know, the kind that’s worse than the worst day of your life, ever. It makes you feel really crummy. And lousy. And insignificant. And oh boy, could I go on. Yesterday was like that, it was just plain awful, no...