Walking Glasses | Pt. 4

Walking Glasses | Pt. 4

Previously: Ceros merely stared down at them, imposing and immovable in his sudden fierceness. “That was for your own safety,” he said, matter-of-factly. “As for your question,” he pinned Irvin with a look. “What is missing, is the key to the King’s Armory, Mister...
Walking Glasses | Pt. 4

Walking Glasses | Pt 3.

Previously:  Lady Alverette scowled, stretching out to rest her head against the rim of the tub. Her eyes flickered from brown to a hint of violet as she stared up at the tiled ceiling. Ravina was far too much like her father. All fairness and no fire. She wouldn’t...
Walking Glasses | Pt. 4

Walking Glasses | Pt 2.

Previously: “Darling!” Her father straightened. “Don’t.” “He’s grown complacent,” Lady Alverette hummed. “Thinks that he’s all that—won’t even pay attention to my daughter?” “Our daughter,” he corrected. “Ravina, don’t listen to your mother-” “Ravina,” her...
Open Skies | Fantasy Fiction (#3)

Open Skies | Fantasy Fiction (#3)

A/N: I’m working on the next installment of this! Thanks for your patience–expect a slow build and eventual, massive universe. LOL. In my usual typical fashion, of course. Allen, Vince and Jaden all have a connection to Madison that will soon make itself...
Open Skies | Fantasy Fiction (#3)

Open Skies | Fantasy Fiction (#2)

A/N: I meant to post this over the weekend, but unfortunately, managed to upend a cup of peppermint tea over my keyboard. Whoops. Thankfully, I haven’t lost work and I still have my trusty laptop, but it was more of a scare than I needed. Enjoy the short...