Sweat (Flash Fiction)

Sweat (Flash Fiction)

Found on Google Images FLASH FICTION PROMPT A bead of sweat rolled down his cheek and hung on the edge of his chin. He swiped at it with one bandaged hand and continued to stare out into the darkened expanse. There was something out there, he could sense it. There was...
The Bad Luck Girl (Friday Fiction)

The Bad Luck Girl (Friday Fiction)

This week’s Friday Fiction is hosted by the talented Catrina Bradley over @ her blog, Scattered Seeds. Click here to read and join in the fun! Author’s Ramblings: I’ve had this idea knocking around in my head for a while and I’ve made myself...
Weave (Flash Fiction)

Weave (Flash Fiction)

Found on Google Images FLASH FICTION PROMPT “Bob and weave, just bob and weave.” Gramps called out from the porch recliner. “You’ve got to keep your head down, kid.” He advised. “I am, already.” James grumbled. “This is too hard!” “Everything’s hard when you start.”...
Crew (Flash Fiction)

Crew (Flash Fiction)

Found on Google Images FLASH FICTION PROMPT “You’re going to what?” The captain backtracked. “Now hold up a minute here, Saunders.” She frowned. “I wasn’t told anything about this. That’s my crew you’re talking about. They are honest, hard-working individuals...
A Leap Year Post (2012)

A Leap Year Post (2012)

I’ve really enjoyed reading several leap year posts today and I thought I might add a few rambly thoughts of my own, seeing as this only happens every four years. ^_^  This was floating around some time back, I don’t remember where I swiped it from....