R is for Rawhide

R is for Rawhide

I missed a week.Well, duh, I’m sure you can already figure that out without my having to bore you with something completely insignificant and trivial as repeating it, but still…I missed it.I have a really good excuse. 😀  Wanna hear it? No? Oh. I was...
Public (BBT)

Public (BBT)

Do you carry books with you when you’re out and about in the world? And, do you ever try to hide the covers? I used to take my library books with me (back when I actually went to the library rather obsessively). I don’t think I’ve ever hid a cover of a...
O is for Ohhh

O is for Ohhh

Ha. I couldn’t resist this one. I debated last week’s topic of nothing and decided that it did fit me very well, but it also skipped over one point in that letter that is a major happy place for me.  *drum roll please!* So I’m going to get creative....
I Love Him, Not (Friday Fiction)

I Love Him, Not (Friday Fiction)

This week’s Friday Fiction is hosted by the lovely Julie Arduini @ her blog, The Surrendered Scribe. Click here to read and share more great stories! Author’s Ramblings: and it’s prompt fiction again. LOL. Sorry guys, just too much going on, but I...
N is for nothing

N is for nothing

I could ramble on a hundred and one jabbers for “N”. I could start with my love of nintendo and end with the earthquakes that rippled through North Carolina. Oooh boy, could I start out with “N” I could really get into it.*flexing fingers above...