Restrictions (BBT)

Restrictions (BBT)

It’s Thursday! Time for BBT. And since I missed last week’s question, I’ll do it this week. ^_^ Hope you’re having a great week-it’s about over and I’ve just got one more day of finals. Whew! Almost there… God comes to you and...
Manic Monday 4.26.2010

Manic Monday 4.26.2010

  If you could write your own bill of rights, what would you include? Oooh, that would require thought. I’m virtually um…not thinking creatively write now…er, right, I have writing on the brain, but it’s for school and not much else....
Fruit-Loop Hunting

Fruit-Loop Hunting

A friend of mine recently commented on how everything in life must be simple for me–I wake up and have an adventure, then continue on with life as normal.I had to laugh. Adventure is right–but it usually doesn’t stop right there. I just have a habit...
Bloggy Updates!

Bloggy Updates!

Hi everyone!Just a quick note to let y’all know that I haven’t disappeared from the bloggy world. Granted, just my Friday Fiction posts have been appearing for awhile, with the occasional meme popping up, but I’m still here! On the bright side, my...