Day and Night (BBT)

Day and Night (BBT)

“I couldn’t sleep a wink, so I just read and read, day and night … it was there I began to divide books into day books and night books,” she went on. “Really, there are books meant for daytime reading and books that can be read only at night.” – ‘The Unbearable...
The Moon Writer (Friday Fiction)

The Moon Writer (Friday Fiction)

This week’s Friday Fiction is hosted by the talented Joanne “JJ” Sher, over at her blog, An Open Book. Click here to read and share more great fiction. Author’s Ramblings: Well, my mind is drifting again. I’m sure you can tell when you...
Day and Night (BBT)

Diaster! (BBT)

You’ve just dropped your favorite, out-of-print book into a bathtub, ruining it completely … What do you do now? Grab it out of the water. 😛 Yell for help(more hands help with this) and get some paper towels, a hairdryer, and sympathetic shoulder. I’d spot dry...
Star (Friday Fiction)

Star (Friday Fiction)

This week’s Friday Fiction is hosted by the lovely Karlene “KJ” Jacobsen @ her blog, Homespun Expression. Click here to read and share more fiction. Author’s Ramblings: This week is a snippet of Biblical Fiction, focusing on the story of...
Day and Night (BBT)

Film To Paper? (BBT)

Even though it’s usually a mistake (grin) … do movies made out of books make you want to read the original? No. If it’s a good movie, then I won’t read the book. I prefer to be blissfully ignorant of the way the story was originally intended, because...
In Lila’s Head (Friday Fiction)

In Lila’s Head (Friday Fiction)

This week’s Friday Fiction is hosted by Cat over at her blog : A Work In Progress. Click here to read and share more great fiction! Author’s Ramblings: gah. It’s been a krazy week and too much going on for me. So this is a bit of a rerun. No fantasy...