First Day of Autumn

First Day of Autumn

Autumn is like a dear friend, so for this first day of this season, I put words to the tune in my head from today. The wind was nice. It didn’t rain. The sun didn’t try to roast me. These are days I could dream and write of forever. (and yes, I’m...
Lightbulbs, seriously?

Lightbulbs, seriously?

It’s the screenwriter joke.I’ll confess. I’ll give you fair warning. That’s how zonked I am at the moment. (Translation: Brainisfried)The lightbulbs made me do it! It was all just about lightbulbs and I’m having one of those wonderfully...
Your 10 Rules of…

Your 10 Rules of…

I’m snatching a prompt to get me started on today’s blog post. ^_^ It’s a nice, interesting one though. It’s to list your ten rules of any one thing/hobby, no matter how strange it is. So, I’m going to go all out for it. Well, as much as...


I recently picked up my fanfiction threads again and one word that popped out from the virtual community was “Drabbles” something I can definitely relate to, a new term, apart from “Scribbles” which is what I often call my pet projects.Drabbles...
Telling You Again (Poem)

Telling You Again (Poem)

Well, the poetry gears have been grinding away, begging for a warm-up, so I’ve granted them a bit of favor and written a short piece. It’s rather abstract and of course, follows my half-rhyme/rambling style of writing. Enjoy! Telling You Again Let me...
1000 Dares

1000 Dares

The 1000 Dares challenge is definitely a life experience worth trying. While I’m still journeying through mine, I can tell you that I can’t wait to see it all the way through to the end. This was a dare presented to me by a very good friend(and it is with...