6 days left! (NaNo + Synopsis)

6 days left! (NaNo + Synopsis)

The single digit countdown to NaNoWriMo has already begun. ^_^ There are six days left to the midnight countdown. I dearly wish it wasn’t on a Monday, but I shall try to make up for it on the weekend. At the moment, I’m quite happily settled in my...
For Her Mother’s Sake (Friday Fiction)

For Her Mother’s Sake (Friday Fiction)

This week’s Friday Fiction is hosted by the wonderful Karlene “KJ'” Jacobsen @ her blog, Homespun Expressions. Click here to read and share more great fiction. Author’s Ramblings: This is a snippet from one of my current WIP’s, I was...
Foreign (BBT)

Foreign (BBT)

Name a book (or books) from a country other than your own that you love. Or aren’t there any? For a moment, I was stumped, until I realized favorites like Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Jane Austen and Rudyard Kipling were from England. ^_^ Problem solved. For that reason,...
The Incredible Hulk!

The Incredible Hulk!

No, I didn’t go crazy.Close to it (NaNo obsession mode), but not quite!This afternoon, I had the pleasure of hearing Lou Ferrigno speak at the university auditorium. It was a wonderful evening, a good close to a busy day. Speaking out on standing up for...

Weekly Updates for Oct 17-23rd 2010

The daily blog posts @ The Scarlet Blog,Plotlining and other nano things –an update post about nanowrimo progress in 2010 and a teaser announcement for useful character profiles for both heroes and villains. Special thanks to readers who visited new blog.Before...


Bump. Bumpity bump. Bump.Yes, I admit it. I took a prompt for today.I was actually thinking about NaNo and somehow my brain was sidetracked by this new thing, dubbed “Random Word Generator”. I know, I know, normally, this is not something quite as...