Mermaid Star (Friday Fiction)

Fiction Friday is hosted by Julie @ The surrendered scribe. Click here to read and share more great fiction!Author’s note: Feeling a little stressed this week, lots of things happening. This is a tad random with very few details, so let your imagination fill in...

Halls of Words (Friday Fiction)

This week’s FF is hosted by Lynda @ On the write track click here to read and share more great fiction!Author’s note: I thought I’d given up on jumbled thoughts, but this was my second possible idea for NaNo and I figured twisting it into a FF might...

The Flower Child (Friday Fiction)

This week’s Friday Fiction is hosted by @ her blog: Click to read and share more great fiction!Author’s Note: This idea was rolling around in my head for awhile, but I couldn’t seem to end it quite the way I wanted it to…so I kind of left it as...

Morena’s Lesson (Friday Fiction)

This week’s Friday Fiction is hosted at: My Heart’s Dee-Light by Dee Yoder. Stop by to read and share more great fiction!Author’s Note: I’ve just recently penned this piece for a topic of ‘history’ and feel so in love with these...

Chamber of Remembrance (Friday Fiction)

Today’s Friday Fiction is hosted over at Vonnie’s Blog, click here to add and read more great fiction!Author’s Note: In loving memory of my Aunt. You left a wonderful heartprint on my life.Music snaked out from the twines of speakers precariously...

Cry, Piano, Cry (Friday Fiction)

This week’s FF is hosted over at Just Another Clay Pot. Click the link to read and share more great fiction!Author’s Note: This is very random, with no real point. Enjoy!I played your piano today.It cried.I cried too.I miss you so much, honey. You were...