K is for Kale!

K is for Kale!

To join in this wonderful meme–hop on over here to join up! Did you know you could make cheesy, spicy chips out of Kale?Um, wait, hold on and let me backtrack–see, I had this conversation the other day with a certain fellow who wanted to know what on earth...
BBT Catch up!

BBT Catch up!

Some of the questions were just too good to pass up! Apologies for the recent lack of new fiction on this blog, it seems my life becomes busier whenever I decide to slow down. ^_^ What’s the latest you’ve ever stayed up reading a book? Is staying up late reading a...
J is for JJ

J is for JJ

I’ve just read Joanne Sher’s lovely post for this meme just a few minutes ago and tada, I had my “idea” for this week’s letter. I don’t normally attempt these sorts of happy-fluffy posts, so please excuse me if it gives you a...
Friday Fiction Character Swaps!

Friday Fiction Character Swaps!

Interested in a fun summer writing exercise?  If you’ve been reading Friday Fiction for awhile or wanting to join in the fun, there’s a great new twist for the summer. Details below–go ahead and sign up! It would be loads of fun to have more...
A Hundred Years

A Hundred Years

To stay like this for a hundred more years. Francesca Battistelli’s titular song from her most recent album has been scrolling through my head today. I can’t quite shake it off (not that I really want to, anyway) and it has my mind thinking of life today. So many...