U is for Underneath

U is for Underneath

I’m feeling a little poetic today. The weather is wonderfully dreary and dark, which generally leads to rather interesting writing, so this week, there is no long and rambly post.Just a poem, that might make you think.Photo is courtesy and copyright of Ian...
Impersonator (Friday Fiction)

Impersonator (Friday Fiction)

Hi everyone! I have the distinct pleasure of hosting Friday Fiction this week and I’m thrilled to have you. To join in the fun, simply add your name and the link (url) to your contribution in the linky widget below. Remember, keep entries PG-13ish, as these are...
Oddest (BBT)

Oddest (BBT)

What’s the oddest book you’ve ever read? Did you like it? Hate it? Did it make you think? Virtual War by Gloria Skurzynski. I hated it. It was about a way to avoid the casualties of war by doing it virtually. The premise was pretty interesting, the back cover blurb...
T is for Thank You, Steve Jobs

T is for Thank You, Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs, 1955-2011 I was thinking all day on what to write for this week’s letter and I’d almost decided until I came home this afternoon. Turned on the news and began checking my mail, the usual routine.Then I actually read the headline that...
2011 NaNo Banner

2011 NaNo Banner

And I finally had the chance to whip this together. Thankfully, it didn’t take too long–I guess that’s what happens when you have the idea crammed in your head for such a long time that it can’t wait to get out. LOL.Anyway, cover will come...