I’ve decided that my little flash fiction snippets sometimes require more brain power than I can sufficiently spare. So, for the moment, I am dubbing them “drabbles” and sticking them over here. 🙂 Cheers and happy first day of Camp Nanowrimo!


What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, said the mind to the heart. If you love him as much as you claim, then lie down and die.

What makes you stronger isn’t always what kills you, replied the heart to the mind. It is because I love him that I can lie down and die–in peace.

The plague listened to this age-old argument with the whisper of Death upon his lips. He halted then, unsure of whether he ought to deliver the curse he’d brought. It was one thing to succeed in offing the mind, ripping through the heart and leaving life to bleed out to nothing.

But when the heart and mind combined their efforts, there was the unmistakable power of an invincible soul.

(c) Sara Harricharan