This week’s Friday Fiction is hosted by the talented Karlene Jacobsen over at her blog, Dancin’ in the Rain. Click here to join and share more great fiction!

Author’s Ramblings: Well, y’all probably know by now that I am addicted to prompt writing, so it won’t surprise you much to see that I’m now moving up to the next level. Prompt writing with a timer. A really, really small timer. In which, we have x amount of minutes to write on the given prompt. It’s been enlightening. *gulp* Yep. So this week, I’m treating you to my first attempts at flash fiction, because that is exactly what it is. (Yes,  yes, I know, it’s impossible to think I could possibly write short pieces, but hey, I’m a learning writer, give me a break here!). I hope you enjoy the read and have a great weekend! I’ll be hosting my second NaNoWriMo kick-off party and gearing up for the month-long adventure. Stay tuned for updates and if you’re participating, I wish you all the best. Look me up, if you feel like it, I’m on there as Scarletfury. Cheers!

Prompt: Still
Title: Short-Term Memory
Time: One Minute
POV: 1st Person


Be quiet. Be still. Know that I am God.

I love that. That word. That line. That remembrance. It’s like, the
perfect reminder in the middle of my most chaotic day. It’s a time where
I know that what I’m doing needs a rain-check and that who I am needs
to pause for a minute, before I forget who I need to be.

Still. Calm. Quiet.

Yes. That.

That is me. That is a part of me. That is who I am supposed to be.
When I remember, I can’t forget and if I don’t forget, well then, I
guess I’m one step close to being the me I’m supposed to be.

Thanks for stopping by, have a great weekend! 
