Interested in a fun summer writing exercise? 

If you’ve been reading Friday Fiction for awhile or wanting to join in the fun, there’s a great new twist for the summer. Details below–go ahead and sign up!

It would be loads of fun to have more participants. The deadline is August 12 for the Fiction Friday post. It’s a character swap, so make sure you have some time to spare to read up on the character you’re assigned. If you
write fiction, join us! This is just for fun and to get the creative juices flowing. ^_^

The following details are courtesy of Rick H. (as this was his brainchild) and rules are below!

If you want to participate, submit your name, your blog URL, and any
other possible helpful information to shalvia{at}, with a cc
to info[at] as well (just so I know that we have enough
participants to make it worthwhile), by THURSDAY.
2. Nancy (my
wife) will do a random drawing to distribute the character swap
assignments amongst those participating, and will forward each e-mail to
the lucky recipient.
3. You may suggest a character in your e-mail, but the final selection will remain up to the writer.
4. Once you receive your assignment, you can peruse the blog to get a better feel for a character as needed.
The stories do not need to align with the canon of the original
stories, but the nature of the character should remain fairly true to
the original. Length of the story is up to each writer, just as is
normal for FF.
6. You should not learn who has your character
until the stories post for Friday Fiction on August 12, 2011. This helps
curtail the urge to kibbitz (and, no, Nancy will not tell me who has my
character, and since I set the rule, I won’t even ask), and should add
to the fun.
7. When you post your story, please note whose character you received, and link back to their blog in the post.
8. Most importantly, have fun, both in the writing and in the reading.

So, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and join in the fun!
