Well, I’ve been putting it off.
I’ve been watching, reading and enjoying the traditional year-end posts of my fellow bloggers and friends. I’ve also been dragging my feet in taking a moment to crank out my own version. Why? Well, I’m not quite sure, maybe it was a pretty decent year and I’m a bit reluctant to see it go. Maybe the year ahead is still a bit of a looming blur and I’d like to smooth it out before I make any definite remarks in regards to what could be coming.
Or maybe I’m just procrastinating as usual. I’m apt to think it is option three. ^_^
This past year has been an excellent rollercoaster ride–from ups and downs, drama and no-drama, I have to say it has been enlightening. I have tried new things, traveled to new places and found a few more pieces of myself. Granted, I can’t explain all of it, or even begin to put it into words, but I can feel hope in this new year.
I can feel it coming in the way we say that we believe in things. We believe it because it is there in front of us and we have faith that our beliefs are legitimate because they have been tried and tested. Yes. Maybe. But what if you take that belief and that faith and set it on fire. Watch it burn away all the junk and ridiculousness and then scoop up what is left.
That’s a whole different kind of purity.
That’s what I am seeing for 2011.
I’ve also been making a few decisions in regards to my various blogs and the recent lack of information/posts. I have always managed to find the time to do what really matters to me, so upping a few things on my priority list is merely a green light for making other things happen.
But as much as I ramble and drabble about random things, I am ultimately writing for a reason, a purpose and even an audience. I did this last year for my fiction blog and I figured I would cover it with a poll again, to see what everyone would like to read in the upcoming year.
I have my new theme all ready to go and a great deal of exciting things happening, that I cannot wait to share. Of course, seeing as it is the holiday break, I know once the semester begins, I will be budgeting time more than anything else, so the perfectionist side of me is trying to hammer down a few specifics here. I’d like to make blogging a part of my new to-do list in 2011.
For my readers, I know this will be a bit of a give-and-take, in that I will not be churning out the usual amount of new content on a weekly basis. I will be taking the time to revise, edit and tweak some of my writings before presenting them, in an effort to post a higher quality of work. Everyone has been wonderful in putting up with my sleep-deprived student mistakes, handfuls of typos/grammar bloopers and whatnot, I appreciate it–and hope to show my appreciation by learning from those moments and improving from there.
I’ve been thinking about a 2011 theme and wondering about it as I stared at the little badge I made for 2010. I was starting to think that I hadn’t done much of anything at all in connecting dots, until I tried to prove that I hadn’t. That was more of a joke on me, for all the resolutions I can make for the year and the best of intentions were faded when I tried to strangle my 2010 theme. It didn’t flop or flunk, it worked just perfectly. Maybe it was subconscious, but it has shown up all through this past year.
Connecting the dots–consistently, persistently and continuing on through the rest of life and reality while the dots are slowly coming together. I’m amazed.
Personally, I’d like to thank everyone who read, commented and shared my blog this year. You have made this year even more special for me and I’d like you to know much I appreciate it–Thank you a thousand times over and I wish you a Happy New Year 2011.
Blessings in His love and light,