Hey everyone, I’ve been asked one time too many…so at last, here it is, my personal walkthrough to get a jumpstart on writing. Here we go-ready? Jump!
“How would you encourage a young person to write?” The question sounded easy enough when asked, but when I actually thought about it, I wondered if I’d be able to write my way out of it. A few days later, I convinced myself it wasn’t all that bad-as my earliest writing memories resurfaced.
So you want to write? Well, I’ll see what I can do to help.I wish I could say that writing was the easiest thing I’ve ever done. It seems and sounds easy enough. Just sit down somewhere, crumpled piece of paper, stub of pencil in hand and scribble away. If it was that easy….how many of us would be writing? Would we actually write, or would it just go by as another common, everyday thing.
Writing was a process that I dedicated myself to learning everything I could about it. While it didn’t necessarily make me a better writer, it certainly improved my mindset-and that began to reflect in my newer writings. I was once told that it took a special person to write something special. I would agree that we’re all special and unique in our own wonderfully different ways. We all have a story to tell. The difference between some of us, is that we tell the story-or we hide it. We bury it away, and never think about it again. Maybe it’s too painful, maybe it was embarrassing. Maybe you’d just like for it to never have come into existence. Maybe you wish you could tell it-but don’t know how, or you don’t know if anyone will listen.
To be a good writer-read good books and write good stuff. To be a great writer-read great books-and write Amazing stories. Writing will be a lot of empty words on blank sheets of paper-the more you work on it, the faster it grows until you have true words-on a lined notebook sheet.
My advice: Little person-BIG voice. Use it. Start small if you have to-and upgrade, you’ll be glad you did.
Your Writing Action/Assignment: Get a notebook-spiral at first, chose any color you want-and get a pen that really works. PEN not pencil. I’ll explain later on…now get busy!