A Hundred Years

A Hundred Years

To stay like this for a hundred more years. Francesca Battistelli’s titular song from her most recent album has been scrolling through my head today. I can’t quite shake it off (not that I really want to, anyway) and it has my mind thinking of life today. So many...
B is for Butter!

B is for Butter!

B is for Butter–I wonder, did you see that one coming? I hope not, or else I’m losing my claimed fame to occasional bouts of randomness. This is for the second letter in the wonderful bloggy meme of a2z4u&me, click here to read more about it! If...
Chai Time #1

Chai Time #1

Hi! Come on in–it’s okay. Yes, yes, I know I’ve been gone for a few days…er weeks…okay, a month or so. But really, I’m up to my ears in homework and university keeps me busy. Talk to a college student. These days, the thing we all...
A Donut Day

A Donut Day

I love donut days, don’t you?Not just because of the donut, but well, yes, because of the donut and that other thing. That other thought that kind of hit me over the head today. It was nice sort of word collection and I thought I might try and fashion it into a...
Song of The Day?

Song of The Day?

I don’t have much to ramble about today. Well, actually, I don’t feel like rambling. I’m scrambling, rather, at the moment to keep up with all the balls I’ve been juggling this month. It’s a bit of a ridiculous stretch, but honestly, I...