I meant to do this last year. Really. No, I’m not kidding! It just kind of…yeah, read on, if you would, please and thank you. (Oh and apologies if a hundred posts suddenly appear in the next few hours or so. I’m catching up. Cheerio! ~S

Do you have a pen/pencil collection? How many of those are chewed?
A set of new gel pens and a set of Zebra mechanical pencils with caps on the erasers. I do not share these. I do not chew them either. Well, the pencils, I mean, those are all plastic, the pens have those lovely little grey comfort grips and they remind me of taffy…

Do you prefer handwriting or typing furiously?
Typing furiously! I can now make my hands type faster than I can write and believe me, I can write pretty quickly when I’ve a mind to. It’s a helpful skill to have when my brain thinks it owns me.

How often do you get inspiration?
When I think. No kidding. I hold firm to my resolve that there is no such thing as Writer’s Block. Seriously, do you get I-can’t-find-my-slippers-block or I’m-too-tired-to-brush-my-teeth-block and whatever? No? Guess what, me neither. If I want to be specifically inspired, then I log onto bing.com and browse through the pretty pictures. Most of the time though, I just close my eyes.

Are you blogging this on a computer or laptop? Desktop!

Do you get inspiration more in the early morning or late at night? Late night. Still. Ack. I can’t believe it, but I’m not going to complain. Some of my best ideas come while I’m brushing my teeth or my hair right before bed. Hmm. Maybe brushes have something to do with that.

Do certain movies/books/music inspire you? Ah, yes. Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson with “There is only one dumbbell.” “S-so what if there is only one dumbbell? Hang the dumbbell!” “You can’t hang it until you find it.” Way to go, Watson. *highfives*

How do you incorporate God into your stories? Recently? It’s been first person, kind of in your face POV and when I’ve calmed down a bit, it’s rather subtle and might be more hinted than expressly pointed out. I love it when I can make it ‘fit’ so well into a story that it just belongs there..

Do you kill off your villains or make them repent? I now reform them. Well, some of them. Some are too far gone and I have no intention of helping them–seriously, and you wouldn’t help them either knowing that they deserve what they’ve got coming. *eyeroll* The ones that can be re.

Are the majority of your characters magical beings, humans, or halflings? How about…not quite human? lol. I don’t really ‘do’ magic, I prefer powers derived or having some root from science and when not possible or being gifts from God, things that are inherited or they are born with, or something they can accept. Magic works too though, I just don’t use it as a fallback. If that even makes sense.

What genre of writing are you most comfortable in? Fantasy. Then some non-technical sci-fi, followed by inspirational shorts and mystery. Adventure is working its way in there as well, it’s less work plot-wise. But I’ve written across most genres.

Do you work better alone or with someone else? Solo is best, but I’ve done well with combined projects. Plenty of silliness and interesting writing. Just me is best though, because my ideas are pretty out there.

Do your stories make sense, or do they ramble wildly? Most of the time they make sense to me and rambling to others. I love it when it all makes sense to everyone.

Are your characters mostly Renegades, Peacekeepers or a mish-mash? Mish-mash. They are half angle, half rebel and pretty proud of it. It makes them unique. Once in awhile, I’ll stereotype them though.

Are you a sucker for good grammar? What I know, yes…beyond the basics, um, no. LOL. Wish I could, but only commas and capitalization (and quotations marks and, and…) bug me. πŸ˜›

How is your handwriting? Lovely. It changes every year. Pretty stick-shaped, with curls on a few spots here and there.

How evil are your villains? Can’t purify bad blood kind of bad. But I know them and some of them could possibly in another realm, life and time…be good. Maybe. I thin. Not. Probably.

Are you long-winded or succinct? Long winded. I can make a story out of anything and then explain that something out of nothing and…well, you get the picture.

Do you have typical writer traits such as ink stains on your fingers or a pencil behind your ear? Those aren’t typical anymore…I don’t think. lol. But, I do have calluses on my writing hand, short fingernails to type quick and I like chocolate. All the modern writer traits. ^_^

Would someone walking past you on the street consider you normal? Depends. Most of the time I look slightly normal. πŸ˜›

Do you write mostly poetry, stories, novels or a mixture? A mixture. Everything–I’ve probably written it/tried it at one time or another. Mostly stories though, short fiction and novel-length.

Do your characters vary in accents, appearance and attitude or are they mostly the same? Vary! Most of the time extremely different–a nice, subtle example at present is the Eira and Dark Phoenix serial currently running and then characters such as the Trial by Fire short piece.

Do real people and/or places inspire your writing? In villains yes–well, no, I’m not telling. lol. Actually, I only pull traits from actual people, but mostly, it’s a soup from the giant simmering brew in my head. The salt would be visiting places close to nature, I love natural beauty and memorials. Bittersweet.

What is your favorite character? Or do you choose to remain unbiased in case of a revolt? Unbiased! Sort of, but I love Scarletfury(still!) and am now partial to her apprentice, Dev. Second to that, is Mekki Hunter and Dervy(adorable, still, lol) and Layla.

Do you talk to your characters? Do they talk back? Yes. Oh yes, sometimes they talk too loudly and get me all mixed up. The conversations can go on for awhile. I love getting deeper into their heads and seeing where they come from.

Are you more comfortable with girl or boy main characters? Mostly female, but I’m told I do fairly well in both.

Do you follow basic overused plot lines with new twists thrown in or do you depart from the norm all the time? Unless I’m stuck, I use new twists on the old plots. I like the play on emotions or a specific time thing.

Do you feel God has called you to be a writer/poet? Will you grasp the power of the pen? Yes and with His help I will continue to use this gift for Him.

And done!!!! yay…only took me…wait…for real? ^_^
