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It’s Thanksgiving here in the U.S. of A. so … What authors and books are you most thankful for?

Mildred A. Wirt-Benson, the author of the first 25-original Nancy Drew Yellowbacks, the very first mystery books I ever read. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle–for being a writer and not a doctor and giving the world Sherlock Holmes. Dee Henderson for creating an amazing world of action, mystery and truth in her O’Malley series–she proved that having multiple characters from the same family worked out just fine. Nancy Rue–for writing amazing books for young women without writing down or at them. Frances Hodgeson Burnett–for writing my top three favorite books of all time, A Lady of Quality, The Secret Garden and The Little Princess. Amazing writers and amazing books, I am thankful they shared their talents and hearts with us through the words they wrote. Happy Thanksgiving!

p.s. Yes, this post is late…but I’m still thankful!